
Showing posts with the label EcmaScript

How to enable/disable buttons in ribbon conditionally?

In this article I will cover how we can enable and disable the controls from ribbon based on any specific column value. For an instance I have a list column "State", if selected row is having status "active" then and then button should be enable in Ribbon, otherwise ribbon button should remain disable. For how to write Ribbon declaration please refer my previous articles. In above image you can see we have one button "New" in ribbon within group "Console". Please refer the source code for Ribbon's declaration. We are going to use delegate control for injecting ECMA script on fly for desired list. Below are the events causes ribbons to refresh so button can be turned enable/disable. Checkbox from every row SelectAll/DeselectAll checkbox from header row On every row select On each of above events after executing their respective functionality they instruct the ribbon to refresh. On received of refresh event ribbon calls Enable script ...

How to get current logged user information using JavaScript ?

This is post which is simple and not really needed. But when I started writing the code in ECMAScript I have faced problems in getting the logged in user information. So, my readers may feel good after see this post and really most the users are looking for this too. By this time, we have really understood all about ECMAScript Client Object Model and debugging. So, it's easy for us to know it well. Please find the code below to get the current user information. <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead" runat="server"> Now copy & paste this JavaScript code after above mentioned tag : <script type="text/ecmascript">         ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(getUserData, "sp.js");              // To Get Current User Name     var context = null;      var web = null;      var currentUser = ...

Set default value for People Picker via JavaScript

First open entry form (NewForm.aspx / EditForm.aspx / DispForm.aspx) in advanced mode in sharepoint designer. Then search for tag : <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead" runat="server"> Now copy & paste this JavaScript code after this tag : <script type="text/ecmascript">  //Function search for people picker by its no and set default value string type  //If we have 2 people picker in entry form & we want to set value to 2nd no. then "pickerNo=2"  function fillPeoplePickerWithCurrentUser(pickerNo,userLoginName )    {       if(userLoginName != null)       {          var pp = getPickerImputElement(pickerNo);             if(pp != null)          {            pp.innerHTM...

Useful JavaScript global variables in SharePoint

If you’re using custom JavaScripts with SharePoint 2010 some global JavaScript variables may come in handy. These variables work if you’re using SharePoint’s default or any other custom master page.  L_Menu_BaseUrl – the base URL of the site / subsite. Very useful when you need to determine the absolute path of the site in JavaScript. Example: document.location = L_Menu_BaseUrl + ‘lists/calendar/allitems.aspx’ //redirects to Calendar list  L_Menu_LCID – the LCID of the site you’re in. Useful if you need to determine the language of the site. The list of Locale IDs can be found here .   _spUserId – the ID of the logged in user.