Update existing site column properties with CSOM
Hi, Some time we want to update existing Site Column. Reason may be any thing i.e. I want to add more choices in Choice list & want to set default choice value as well. This is very easy in CSOM. Here is my default xml from existing site column : <Field Type="Choice" DisplayName="Office Location" Required="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Indexed="FALSE" Format="Dropdown" FillInChoice="FALSE" Group="CustomColumns" ID="{e57a1e08-f062-4b3c-9dc1-47ee2d0805b0}" SourceID="{ad0c8572-a4b6-40c3-a359-d282eae885ce}" StaticName="OfficeLocation" Name="OfficeLocation" Version="2" CustomFormatter=""> <Default>Main Location</Default> <CHOICES> <CHOICE>Main Location</CHOICE> ...