
Showing posts with the label Increase Upload Size

Increase Upload Size & request timeout period

First, increase the Maximum Upload Size for a specific web application. Go to the Central Administration > Application Management > Web Application General Settings Specify the new maximum upload size for your webapplication. For now, we are setting it to 256MB. It could be even set upto 2GB. Your second step should be to try increasing your default chunk size of large files by trying this STSADM command: Stsadm.exe –o setproperty –pn large–file–chunk–size –pv        This basically denotes the chunk of data that can be read from SQL Server at one time.     The -pv which determines the property value stands for the upload size in bytes (B).     It could be set to a maximum of 2GB i.e. (2,147,483,648 B).     Do an IISRESET Next, in web.config file of your particular web application, under the httpRuntime tag in system.web section, increase the upload limit to match the value that you set earlier in central a...