
Showing posts with the label Hide ribbon from users

How To Hide Ribbon From Users Without Edit Page Privilege

 A way to remove or hide the ribbon area from user with lease privilege, and here is how: 1)       Open your SharePoint master page 2)       Locate this line: < div id ="s4-ribbonrow" class ="s4-pr s4-ribbonrowhidetitle"> 3)       Change it to: < div id ="s4-ribbonrow" class ="s4-pr s4-ribbonrowhidetitle" style =" display :none" > 4)       Now find the end of the “ s4-ribbonrow ” tag and add following block right after it: < Sharepoint : SPSecurityTrimmedControl ID ="SPSecurityTrimmedControl2" runat ="server" PermissionsString ="AddAndCustomizePages">     < script type ="text/javascript">         document.getElementById( "s4-ribbonrow" ).style.display = "block" ;     </ script > </ Sharepoint : SPSecurityTrimmedControl > 5)       Save the new master...

Show or Hide SharePoint 2010 ribbon based on SharePoint Groups

This SharePoint 2010 solution allow site administrator to define who can or cannot see the SharePoint ribbon. In few words With this solution you can on each site define if the ribbon is display or not for :     * Everyone     * Anonymous user     * for one or many specific SharePoint groups This solution can be found on