How To Hide Ribbon From Users Without Edit Page Privilege
A way to remove or hide the ribbon area from user with lease privilege, and here is how: 1) Open your SharePoint master page 2) Locate this line: < div id ="s4-ribbonrow" class ="s4-pr s4-ribbonrowhidetitle"> 3) Change it to: < div id ="s4-ribbonrow" class ="s4-pr s4-ribbonrowhidetitle" style =" display :none" > 4) Now find the end of the “ s4-ribbonrow ” tag and add following block right after it: < Sharepoint : SPSecurityTrimmedControl ID ="SPSecurityTrimmedControl2" runat ="server" PermissionsString ="AddAndCustomizePages"> < script type ="text/javascript"> document.getElementById( "s4-ribbonrow" ).style.display = "block" ; </ script > </ Sharepoint : SPSecurityTrimmedControl > 5) Save the new master...