
Custom Script functionality will disable some functionality in SharePoint

If Custom Script is Off then you will lose some features which you use generally in SharePoint i.e. : Save Site as Template will be disabled. Option to create Template from a site will be invisible from Site Setting. SharePoint Designer Pages that are not HTML can no longer be updated. Handling List: Create Form and Custom Action will no longer work. Subsites: New Subsite and Delete Site redirect to the Site Settings page in the browser. Data Sources: Properties button is no longer available. Save document library as template will be disabled & you won’t find option to save document library as template in Document Library Settings. Solution Gallery will be invisible from Site Settings. Theme Gallery will be disappear from Site Settings. Help Settings will be invisible from Site Settings. HTML Field Security No longer available in Library Settings. Solutions Gallery is no longer available in Site Settings. Uploading files that potentially include

Error : File to import not found or unreadable: node_modules/office-ui-fabric-core/dist/sass/variables/Font.Variables.

Your web part.module.scss has import statement i.e. @import '~@microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core/dist/sass/SPFabricCore.scss'; By default this package has not been installed. So you have to install this package : npm install @microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core –save Then your import statement will work.

Open office documents from SharePoint to Client Apps

If you want to open any office document in client side app pragmatically then here is the solution : <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> window.location.href = " ms-excel:ofe|u|"; </script> You can use MS Office apps URL scheme names to open any office document in client app from SharePoint. List of MS Office apps URL scheme names: ms-word: ms-powerpoint: ms-excel: ms-visio: ms-access: ms-project: ms-publisher: ms-spd: ms-infopath: To know more about URL scheme, Click Here .

Relink InfoPath Forms in SharePoint Online

After migrating InfoPath form from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint online, I saw that form templates links were showing old SharePoint 2010 server URL. Now I have relinked it. To relink, Go to Library Settings Under “Permissions and Management” group, click on “Relink documents to this Library”. This will take you to the “Repair.aspx” view. Now go to “Files” Under Actions group, you will find “Relink” AND “Relink All” button. Just hit Relink All to link with current site.

Bulk change JavaScript Extensions (.js) to TypeScript Extension (.ts) recursively

I was working on an upgrade project which required to convert JavaScript/ jQuery to TypeScript files from all the folders & sub folders. Here is the command to rename all .js files to .ts files : for /R %x in (*.js) do ren "%x" *.ts