
Hide columns / fields in SharePoint

Hi friends , If you want to hide columns / fields without writing codes & without any script, My article will help you to do the same. Just to start, open your SharePoint List & click on list setting button. Then click on “Advanced Setting”. In the Content Type section, set yes for   “Allow management of content types?” & press OK. Now go back to list setting and you will see an new section called “Content Types”. You will get list of content types here. Click on “Item”. You will all fields / columns Click on the column name , which you want to hide, in my case I am going to hide column “Planned End Date”, You will see field detail form. Click on the “Hidden (Will not appear in forms)” and press OK. Now check your all three forms New, Edit and display. You won’t see the field.

Close Model Dialog Box in SharePoint 2010

Hi , If you want to close your open dialog box, you can use below given scripts : To send cancel result on the parent form : SP.UI.ModalDialog.commonModalDialogClose(SP.UI.DialogResult.cancel,' Your Message Here   ');  also you can use this script to send Cancel result message on the parent form : window.frameElement.cancelPopup(); To send OK result on the parent form from current form : SP.UI.ModalDialog.commonModalDialogClose(SP.UI.DialogResult.OK, 'Your Message Here');  also you can use this script to send commit result message on the parent form : window.frameElement.commitPopup(); You can use this script in your programming to close the model dialog box in SharePoint 2010

How to change the existing Window Membership Provider to Claims Based Authentication in SharePoint 2010?

$WebAppName = "http://yourWebAppUrl" $wa = get-SPWebApplication $WebAppName $wa.UseClaimsAuthentication = $true $wa.Update() $account = "yourDomain\yourUser" $account = (New-SPClaimsPrincipal -identity $account -identitytype 1).ToEncodedString() $wa = get-SPWebApplication $WebAppName $zp = $wa.ZonePolicies("Default") $p = $zp.Add($account,"PSPolicy") $fc=$wa.PolicyRoles.GetSpecialRole("FullControl") $p.PolicyRoleBindings.Add($fc) $wa.Update() $wa.MigrateUsers($true) $wa.ProvisionGlobally() Source : Extend a Web application that uses Windows-claims authentication (SharePoint Server 2010)

PreSaveAction Function in SharePoint 2010

“ PreSaveAction ” function is JavaScript function which allow programmer to write code with in this function which will execute just before saving records. Programmers can use this function in NewForm.aspx or EditForm.aspx. If you want to stop saving; the function should return false & if you want to execute save function after this function; return true. Syntax is: function PreSaveAction () {      return true; // if you want to execute save functionality of the form.            //return false ;//if you want to stop execution of save functionality of the form. }

How to show appended fields on the forms ?

Add this tag on the form where you want to display versions : < SharePoint:AppendOnlyHistory runat ="server" ControlMode ="Display" FieldName ="Manager_x0020_Comments" ItemId ="{@ID}"/> You just need to change field name value. FieldName property always contains only internal name of the field.

Make fields Disable / Read only on Entry Forms

If you want to disable fields on New Entry Form or Edit Entry form, Use this code to disable fields : // Function To Disable Fields   function disableField(title)   {    for(var i = 0; i < document.all.length; i++)    {     var el = document.all[i];     // find html element with specified title     if(el.title == title)     {      el.disabled = true; // disable      // if the next element has a reference to the current element      // then disable if as well      if(i < document.all.length - 1)      {       var el2 = document.all[i + 1];       if(el2.outerHTML.indexOf( > 0)       {        el2.disabled = true;       }      }      break;     }    }    }    // END Function To Disable Fields  Call Function within entry form : disableField("Task Description"); disableField("Comment"); disableField("Status");

SharePoint 2007 Interview Questions and Answers

What is Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services? How is it related to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007?   Windows SharePoint Services is the solution that enables you to create Web sites for information sharing and document collaboration. Windows SharePoint Services -- a key piece of the information worker infrastructure delivered in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 -- provides additional functionality to the Microsoft Office system and other desktop applications, and it serves as a platform for application development. Office SharePoint Server 2007 builds on top of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 to provide additional capabilities including collaboration, portal, search, enterprise content management, business process and forms, and business intelligence. What is Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server?   SharePoint Portal Server is a portal server that connects people, teams, and knowledge across business processes. SharePoint Portal Server integrates information from various syste