
Showing posts from July, 2013

PowerShell Command to Export Sub Site

Export site with these option. This will include all customizations, user securities, list & libraries etc. Export-SPWeb -Identity http://sharepoint-demo/IC -Path " c:\bkup\IC.cmp " -Force -IncludeUserSecurity -IncludeVersions All Note : ·          http://sharepoint-demo/IC : You can change this site url. Put url of site which is going to be backed up. ·          C:\backup\IC.cmp : You can change backup path with file name. You have to keep extention .cmp as it is. More information about “Export-SPWeb”

What is Managed Path in SharePoint

Let’s understand what is path first. In SharePoint you have seen some different types of site collection urls within same Web Application like : ·         http://sharepointDemo ·         http://sharepointDemo/subsite ·         http://sharePointDemo/Subsite/SubSubsite ·         http://SharePointDemo/Sites/Contoso ·         http://SharePointDemo/Sites/Contoso/SubSite These different kind of URL structure called path & you can manage these path as per you your organization hierarchy or architecture. Some time you required to create a site collection with name of “Departments” & under this “Department” you might want to create some departments like HR, IT etc. and you want your site collection url should be like http://SharePointDemo/Departments/HR . Managed path is this. Where you can manage site collection pa...

Update for Microsoft Project Server 2013 (KB2768001)

Applies: Project Server 2013; SharePoint Server 2013 Due to a change in the package configuration introduced after SharePoint 2013 RTM the March Public update is a mandatory requirement in order to install subsequent SharePoint Updates. Download from Microsoft

Get web.config file in timer job

I was working on timer job & wanted to get data from sql server. To achive this goal, I add my database connection string in web application’s web.config file. Now I used the following code to get web.config setting from timer job : private string getConnectionString()         {             return System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MyAppSettingKey"];        } But this code was not able to get the web.config file. Why? I started some R & D on it & found that Time Job runs under OWSTimer.exe & Web Application runs under W3WP.exe. As the context of  Both are different so we have to use WebConfigurationManager to get specific SharePoint Web Application configuration. private string getConnectionString(string webAppName)         {      ...