Enabling a Button on the Ribbon Based on Selection
Enabling a Button on the Ribbon Based on Selection A lot of people have asked me how to create a button which enables if and only if a single item is selected. This isn’t something we have out of the box, but the code to get this functionality is pretty simple. I’m going to assume that you’re generally familiar with SharePoint, CustomActions, and customizing the Ribbon – if that’s not the case, you’d probably be better off researching those things before delving into this. Basically, the enabling behavior all boils down to the following few lines of code: EnabledScript = " javascript:function singleEnable() { var items = SP.ListOperation.Selection.getSelectedItems(); var ci = CountDictionary(items); return (ci == 1); } singleEnable(); " What this does is query to get the dictionary of selected items, and if the size of the dictionary is 1 it returns true (enable), otherwise it will return false (dis...