Event Receiver enhancements in SharePoint 2010

With SharePoint 2010, there are some good enhancements in Event Receivers.
  1. New Events
  2. New Registration technique
  3. Synchronous After-Events
  4. Custom error pages and redirection
  5.  Impersonation enhancements (SPEventPropertiesBase.OriginatingUserToken)
List of Events : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms437502.aspx
Lets discuss one by one.

1. New Events

As part of SharePoint 2010, there are six new events that you can take advantage of. These events allow you to capture creation and provisioning of new webs and the creation and deletion of lists.
 Event Name
 Event Description
 Event Receiver Class
A synchronous event that happens before the web is added. Some URL properties may not exist yet for the new site, since the new site does not exist yet.
A synchronous or asynchronous after-event that occurs after the web is created. You make the event synchronous or asynchronous by using the Synchronization property and setting it to synchronous or Synchronous. This is located under the Receiver node in the elements.xml file for your feature.
A synchronous event that happens before a list is created.
A synchronous or asynchronous after-event that happens after a list is
created but before being it is presented to the user.
A synchronous event that happens before a list is deleted.
A synchronous or asynchronous after-event that happens after a list is

2. New Event Registration technique using the <Receivers/> tag

SharePoint 2010 has added a new registration mechanism for registering your event receivers, using the <Receivers> XML block.
  ListTemplateId = "Text"
  ListTemplateOwner = "Text"
  ListUrl = string
  RootWebOnly = TRUE | FALSE
  Scope = Site | Web>
With this new capability, you can register your event receiver at the site collection level by using the new Scope attribute and setting it either to  Site or Web, depending on the scope that you want for your event receiver.
  • SPSite-Level Binding
In SharePoint 2010, you have the ability to deploy an event receiver not only at the web level, but also at the Site Collection level. In fact, all of the event receivers except the SPEmailEventReceiver can be deployed at the Site Collection level, so you can share their behavior across all the websites within that Site Collection. For instance, you can share at the Site Collection level, a list-level event receiver that checks list provisioning and/or custom fields using a unique deployment step.
  • Event Binding by List Template
Also, In SharePoint 2010 we can bind an event receiver to a list template, using  <ListTemplateId>  and then apply that event receiver to every list instance based on that ListTemplateId.
Below example displays a feature element that installs an event receiver for a list.
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>
<Elements xmlns=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/”>
<Receivers ListTemplateId=”104”>
<Name>News Update Event Receiver</Name>
<Data>Contains a string that is used to pass parameters to the receiver via the ReceiverData property</Data>
The <Data> tag of the Receiver element allows you to define a custom configuration text that will be provided to the event receiver via the ReceiverData property of the SPEventPropertiesBase base class, whenever the receiver is invoked. Note that the length of the content inside Data element is limited to 255 chars.
Another important one is the ListUrl attribute, which allows you to scope your receiver to a particular list by passing in the relative URL.

Note: ListUrl works only if feature has Scope=”Web”. In case the feature has Scope=”Site”, event receiver is fired for every list, ListUrl is ignored.

<Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
  <Receivers ListUrl="Lists/Tasks">
      <Assembly>MyReceiverAssembly, Version=, Culture=Neutral,
      <Name>My ItemAdded Event Receiver</Name>
You can tell SharePoint to just have the receiver work on the root site by using the RootWebOnly attribute on the <Receivers> node.

3.  Synchronous After-Events

We now have  support for synchronous after – events, such as listadded , itemadded , or webprovisioned .
In SharePoint, all the Before events are executed synchronously within the same process and thread of the current user request, while all After events are executed asynchronously, on a background thread and potentially in a process different from the current user request.

Important Bullet Points:
  • Synchronous event receivers are called in sequential order based on the sequence number specified during event binding. This applies to both Before and After synchronous events.
  • Asynchronous After event receiver threads are initiated in sequential order based on the sequence number. However, there is no guarantee that they will finish in that same order.
  • An asynchronous After event can start at any time after its associated user action is performed. It may start before, at the same time as, or after the Web request is completed.
To make the After events, such as ItemUpdated, synchronous, you need to set the Synchronization property either through the SPEventReceiverDefinition object model if you are registering your events programmatically or by creating a node in your <Receiver> XML that sets the value to Synchronous or Asynchronous.
The property can take one of the following values:
  • Default : Before events are synchronous; After events are asynchronous.
  • Synchronous : The current event is executed synchronously.
  • Asynchronous The current event is executed asynchronously.
To configure this property, you can define it in the feature element XML file or in Code
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>
 <Elements xmlns=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/”>
 <Receivers ListTemplateId=”105”>
 <Name>News Update Event Receiver</Name>
 <Data>Contains a string that is used to pass parameters to the receiver via the ReceiverData property</Data>

Another option is to configure the Synchronization property in code, as shown below:

using (SPSite site = new SPSite(“http://sp2010site/”)) 
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) 
NewsItemEventReceiverConfiguration config = new NewsItemEventReceiverConfiguration();

SPList list = web.Lists[“Contacts”];
var newReceiver = list.EventReceivers.Add();
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(
newReceiver.Assembly = asm.FullName;
newReceiver.Class = asm.GetType(
newReceiver.Name = “News Receiver”;
newReceiver.Type = SPEventReceiverType.ItemUpdated;
newReceiver.SequenceNumber = 110;
newReceiver.Data = XmlSerializationUtility.Serialize<NewsItemEventReceiverConfiguration>(config);
newReceiver.Synchronization =SPEventReceiverSynchronization.Synchronous;

4. Custom Error Pages

In Sharepoint 2007, you can cancel events and return an error message to the user,which provides limited interactivity and is not much helpful to the user beyond what the error message says.
In Sharepoint 2010 , you can cancel the event  and redirect the user to a custom error page that you create. This allows you to have more control of what the users see, and you can try to help them figure out why their action is failing.
However, Please note that the custom error pages and redirection will only work for  synchronous Before-Events(ending with ..ing), so you cannot achieve this for  synchronous After-Events such as ListAdded . Also, this will only work when the client is a Browser.
The way to implement custom error pages is to set the Status property on your property bag for your event receiver to SPEventReceiverStatus.CancelWithRedirectUrl , set the RedirectUrl property to a relative URL for your error page, and set the Cancel property to true .
 properties.Cancel = true;
 properties.Status = SPEventReceiverStatus.CancelWithRedirectUrl;
 properties.RedirectUrl = "/_layouts/mycustomerror.aspx";

5.  Impersonation enhancements.

By default, all events in SharePoint run under the context of the user who raised the event.
 Generally, this is okay, but there may be certain times when you want to let a user perform actions on lists or libraries that the current user does not have permissions to do. In most cases, you would use SPSecurity.RunwithElevatedPrivileges method. However, you may want to revert to the originating user on some operations.
With 2010, the event property bag contains the OriginatingUserToken ,UserDisplayName , and UserLoginName, which you can use to revert to the original user.
Below is an example  that perform some tasks by using the OriginatingUserToken to impersonate the originating user.
public override void ItemUpdated(SPItemEventProperties properties) {
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(properties.SiteId,
properties.OriginatingUserToken)) {
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(properties.RelativeWebUrl)) {
// Some tasks here impersonating the originating user token
