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How to calculate difference between two dates in javascript/jquery

Simple steps to calculate difference between two date fields using JavaScript/JQuery  In some scenario, we need to calculate the difference between two dates from the client side. Here we are going to demonstrate all about date fields using javascript such as Javascript date field validation for different format, difference between two dates in days, hours, minutes, seconds, years and weeks Very strong and simple Javascript validation for date fields for format dd/mm/yyyy  Following javascript function simply verify and return result for checking valid date from client side itself. It will automatically validate leap year entries and return correct result. That means if we pass ’29/02/2011′ to the function it will be return false. If we are passing ’29/02/2012′ to the function it will return true. So we don’t need to bother about the leap year or other complex things. function isValidDate(dateStr) { // Date validation Function // Checks For the following valid Date formats: /

Disable Right click of mouse

How to disable right click functionality from the web page In some of the web page has the requirement to protect source code from the users. Users can right click the page and take the source code. In order protect right click functionality on the web page we can implement javascript functionality to prevent user’s right click on the web page. So user not able to access features available on the right click menus. By implementing javascript method we can identify the right click event from the user by checking the button code and prevent if the user clicks right click. Below mentioned web page prevented to click right click by the user. When the user trying to right click it will return warning message to user and return the action. <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="DisableRightClick.aspx.cs" Inherits="ExperimentLab.DisableRightClick" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitio

Crop image

How to crop image using ASP.Net/C# OR Cropping image in C# before upload

Asynchronous file up loader using ajax in ASP.Net

How to create asynchronous file up loader using ajax in ASP.Net